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Using Hand Moldable Thermoplastics to Make Household Item Improvements

Using Hand Moldable Thermoplastics to Make Household Item Improvements

Sometimes your household items get broken, wear out, or become unusable. Hand MoldableThermoplastics, such as Polly Plastics, allow you to make those items usable again. Additionally, Polly Plastics silicone putty molds are an option to make an exact replica of a broken piece as a replacement.

Polly Plastics Moldable Plastic can be melted with hot water and molded into any shape and hardens into a sturdy form. We have seen handles made for tools that have broken or added to razors for a safe grip. Also, coverings for exposed wires on USB cords or headphone connections. One Polly Plastics user used it to make better grips on her door handles, faucet and lamp switches after arthritis had made it difficult to use these items (name excluded for privacy).
Faucet handleDoor handle

Other customers have used moldable plastic to re-purpose packaging that would otherwise be disposed. For example, @Doodlecraft used a two-liter plastic bottle to create a cute knob for a cookie canister (also could be used as a terrarium) and shared her creativity on Facebook.

Cookie Canister

Our silicone putty molding kits can be combined to make a mold for use with moldable plastic pellets once melted. Within 30 minutes the new molds will be ready for use. If you break a piece on your vacuum and there is an identical piece that is intact, or can borrow an identical piece, you can make a mold of it and repair your item.

It's good to know that the melting temperature of the plastic is 150 F. degrees, so you shouldn't replace items that will be exposed to heat higher than that.

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